Wednesday, February 20, 2013

How much ?

Here's a simple question. To which the answer should be £x.x, with the x's filled in appropriately.

What was the total amount of money given to Jimmy Saville by the BBC before his death in 2011?

The BBC is apparently about to answer this Freedom of Information question, lodged in October 2012 last year, in a belated but interesting way.

I am preparing to disclose information in response to your FOI request [reference number RFI20121161]. Due to the age of the files in question, it has proved difficult to scan pages in sufficiently high quality. I therefore propose sending the disclosure documents to you in hard copy form. Could you please provide a physical address to which I can send the response ?

Let's hope the person who asked the questions has a magnifying glass, a calculator and a commitment to Freedom of Information greater than the BBC's.

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