Wednesday, February 12, 2014

How to get a new job

In December, the BBC Trust published a review of governance, following what it sensitively called "a year of difficult events".  It included this action point....

This review has highlighted the need to improve the coordination between the Trust and the Executive Board. The Executive will appoint a new post of Company Secretary to oversee the secretariat for all pan-BBC boards; providing advice and support to Executive Board members, including non-executive directors; drive the Executive agenda; and to manage the relationship with the BBC Trust.

The review was the work of Julian Payne, from the Executive side of the house, and Phil Harrold, Head of Governance at the Trust.

I understand that Phil can now hand back the Powdered Periwig of Governance, replace the Tricorne of Compliance in its satin-lined box, and swop breeches for chinos. He's pottering down Great Portland Street to fill the new BBC role of Company Secretary.

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