Friday, April 4, 2014

Creative warmth

BBC Executive Board minutes from January and February have quietly appeared, and there may be a new phrase-maker involved in their creation.

I enjoyed this, from January, in response to a piece of work on "long-term planning": In general the Board supported the approach set out but agreed that it would be helpful to capture more creative warmth in the presentation of the arguments, pointing to the importance of stimulating and exciting audiences.

In February, in a session held in Liverpool, came "difficult choices" in budgets, and the end of BBC3 as broadcast channel:  Following review of the base budget... the Board now considered the strategic overlay. Executive Directors presented the proposals for each of their areas and the Board discussed these in depth. Most of the proposals were supported, including moving BBC Three to a digital presence, but some required further exploration.

Code for more cuts to come ? Also in February, endorsement for further dispersal of London-based staff, as Auntie tries to get out of Media Village, W12 - but hints that tv production are still kicking up:  This paper presented a location strategy reflecting the favoured approach of continuing to exit parts of the Media Village. The Board discussed the options available and approved the majority of the proposed plan, apart from some aspects related to production. It was noted that some elements still required further exploration.

Further exploration = no agreement, yet.

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