Saturday, September 20, 2014

Memory game

In the Indie, John Walsh writes entertainingly about Andrew Marr's book launch this week at No 10. He also reveals that guests at Downing Street's best address are invited to leave their mobile phones in an open wooden set of pigeon holes, before moving towards canapes on the upper floors. This requires guests to remember one number til the end of the event.

In the lobby, we gathered around the mobile-phone cupboard. The BBC’s creative director, Alan Yentob, couldn’t find his mobile. He’d forgotten the number of his pigeonhole. He pulled out one phone after another, hoping to identify his, without luck. What could he do? He could hardly examine all 100 devices in 100 holes. Ed Victor, super-agent to the stars, came to his aid. He pulled out his mobile, dialled Yentob’s number (which of course was in his contacts list). The missing phone shrilled; its light bounced with life. All was well. Could you ask for a more charming symbol of the British establishment helping its members out ?

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