Thursday, November 17, 2016


Last night's meeting in the Commons to #saveBBCradio attracted some influential names, gathered to oppose the plan to put 60% of network radio production out to tender..

"This is the death of BBC Radio" said Paul Jackson, head of BBC Entertainment in the 90s. "Are the BBC really hapy to shift money from creative into administrative ? " asked Sir John Tusa, former Newsnight presenter and MD of the World Service.

David John of Equity pointed out that the union doesn't have agreements with indies in general. "Actors have been told they won't be paid for rehearsals. We don't want radio to just survive, we want it to flourish. We feel this plan goes against that".

Telegraph critic Gillian Reynolds was on form. "Have licence-fee payers been consulted about these changes to radio? Are they aware ? No."

"Rupert Murdoch has just made a significant investment in [UK] fradio - be warned.

"We are not trying to demonise indies. We are just trying to prevent the Uberisation of radio."

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