Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Just below the surface

You get the feeling that former BBC executive Helen Boaden is close to telling some gripping tales about her time with Auntie. This week came a gentle probing by Jane Garvey at The Groucho Club, and then Trevor Dann tried a post-interview interview for the Radio Today podcast.

Some insights - she still worries that radio and radio audiences are at risk from a management more focussed on tv and online: "It's my great fear...that they'll do something daft". She confirmed that there had been plans to redistribute network radio into new divisions [see various three-humped Camel diagrams]: "I opposed it, but it wasn't me alone. I think Tim Davie said something similar".

She managed not to mention Director of Radio & Education & Odds & Ends, James Purnell: "I have confidence in Bob [Shennan] and the Controllers".

Meanwhile, Jane Garvey risked a pop at Bob, or at least his former fiefdom, Radio 2: "Radio 2 doesn't look or sound much like the Britain I know".

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